Fierro vs Cruz is scheduled to take place Saturday, February 1st, at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), in a 10-round light welterweight (140 lbs, 63.5 kg) bout; it is on the undercard of David Benavidez vs David Morrell. Watch the video and rate this fight!
Isaac Cruz record
The former Wba super-Lw champ Isaac Cruz Gonzalez entered this fight with a record of 26-3-1 (18 knockouts) and he is ranked as the No.23 light welterweight in the world.
In his last three fights ‘Pitbull’ Cruz has beat Giovanni Cabrera (Isaac Cruz Gonzalez vs Giovanni Cabrera) and Rolando Romero (Rolando Romero vs Isaac Cruz Gonzalez) but then he has lost to Jose Valenzuela (Isaac Cruz Gonzalez vs Jose Valenzuela).
Angel Fierro record
His opponent, Angel Fierro, has a boxing record of 23-2-2 (18 KOs=78%) and he entered as the No.82 in the light welterweight division.
In his last four bouts he has beat Eduardo Estela (Angel Fierro vs Eduardo Estela), Brayan Zamarripa Rodriguez and Eleazar Valenzuela Carrillo but before the last one, he had also lost to Alfredo Santiago.
Full fight video / highlights
Here we are going to post a selection of the best videos about the bout Isaac Cruz vs Angel Fierro as soon as the match ends. If you have seen the full fight you can rate it at the bottom of this post. (All videos are hosted on free video platforms such as Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, etc. and not uploaded by AllTheBestFights.com)
Official highlights
Who won Cruz vs Fierro fight?
Isaac Cruz defeated Angel Fierro via unanimous decision. Scores were 98-92, 97-93, 96-94.